Micromelon aims to bring like minded individuals, companies and organisations together to further the impact that STEM education can have on students, teachers and adults alike. With experience in not only programming, but also manufacturing, engineering, product development and innovation Micromelon can bring these parties together to provide better outcomes through STEM education, workshops and teacher training.

Whether we are running student workshops, delivering professional development for teachers or consulting to systems of schools on how to best implement STEM, build real-world assessments or design project based learning, we integrate the hard skills of robotics and engineering whilst infusing dispositions to help students succeed in whatever career they choose.
Just a few of the Australian educators already using Micromelon in their classrooms

3D Printing with MakerHero
From filament, to repairs and spare parts. Micromelon has spent the last 8 years working with schools, businesses and individuals to repair, maintain and print great things. We run 3D printing training and webinars to the public focused around using 3D printers safely around students at schools, robotics clubs and at home.
We also own MakerHero, our very own 3D printing filament and parts brand.