Micromelon Events & Programs

Engineer In Residence

Take your tech classes to the next level by using a real engineer to super charge your students learning and projects.

Engineer in residence programs allow students to engage with a Micromelon engineer to work along side them, explore ideas and solutions for problems within the school and abroad.

School have a vaping problem? Allow students to discuss the community and health issues and design a tech solution to solve the problem.

Want to monitor the amount of recycling the school does? Get students to investigate and with the help of an engineer develop an Internet of Things device to count recycling bins fill levels.

Through these programs students will address real world problems and develop the skills needed for todays global citizens as they work on solutions for their school, community, nation and the planet.

Want to organise an Engineer In Residence program for your school?

Leave your details with us and we’ll get in touch to help organise an Engineer In Residence for your school.